- Dish TV now offers Dish truHD+ with an unlimited recording capacity, priced at Rs. 2,690. This gives Dish truHD+ customers the ability to record data on the USB storage device, and build a library. Customers will get the “dual advantage” of HD and DVR features, at the existing HD box price.
The promotional Rs. 2690 pack includes the new Dish truHD+ box, one month Dish truHD Royale Pack, and a 4GB USB drive, which is too small to actually fit anything, but will apparently get the “user accustomed to the concept of plugging an external device to use the recording features.”
Standard DVR will be available, allowing users to record, rewind, forward, and pause live TV etc. Time based and event based recording can also be scheduled.
Speaking on the launch, Mr. R.C Venkateish, Chief Executive Officer, Dish TV India said:
“Carrying forward the spirit of innovation that is integral to the Dish TV DNA, DishtruHD+ is the answer to the consumer need for enjoying recording functionality at an affordable price. Whilst most DVR's charge a premium, our idea is to expand the DVR market by making it accessible at the price of a normal HD box. Furthermore, this box lends a huge advantage over other DVR's in the market by offering "unlimited recording capacity". This is possible due to a breakthrough technology that enables any external storage device to be plugged into the USB port of the Dish truHD+ box.”
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